Shrinking Basics

Finding the “simplest” input that causes a test failure is referred to as shrinking. This is where the intermediate ValueTree type comes in. Besides current(), it provides two methods — simplify() and complicate() — which together allow binary searching over the input space. The example shows how repeated calls to simplify() produce incrementally “simpler” outputs, both in terms of size and in characters used.

extern crate proptest;
use proptest::test_runner::TestRunner;
use proptest::strategy::{Strategy, ValueTree};

fn main() {
    let mut runner = TestRunner::default();
    let mut str_val = "[a-z]{1,4}\\p{Cyrillic}{1,4}\\p{Greek}{1,4}"
        .new_tree(&mut runner).unwrap();
    println!("str_val = {}", str_val.current());
    while str_val.simplify() {
        println!("        = {}", str_val.current());

A couple runs:

$ target/debug/examples/tutorial-simplify-play
str_val = vy꙲ꙈᴫѱΆῨῨ
        = y꙲ꙈᴫѱΆῨῨ
        = y꙲ꙈᴫѱΆῨῨ
        = m꙲ꙈᴫѱΆῨῨ
        = g꙲ꙈᴫѱΆῨῨ
        = d꙲ꙈᴫѱΆῨῨ
        = b꙲ꙈᴫѱΆῨῨ
        = a꙲ꙈᴫѱΆῨῨ
        = aꙈᴫѱΆῨῨ
        = aᴫѱΆῨῨ
        = aѱΆῨῨ
        = aѱΆῨῨ
        = aѱΆῨῨ
        = aиΆῨῨ
        = aМΆῨῨ
        = aЎΆῨῨ
        = aЇΆῨῨ
        = aЃΆῨῨ
        = aЁΆῨῨ
        = aЀΆῨῨ
        = aЀῨῨ
        = aЀῨ
        = aЀῨ
        = aЀῢ
        = aЀ῟
        = aЀ῞
        = aЀ῝
$ target/debug/examples/tutorial-simplify-play
str_val = dyiꙭᾪῇΊ
        = yiꙭᾪῇΊ
        = iꙭᾪῇΊ
        = iꙭᾪῇΊ
        = iꙭᾪῇΊ
        = eꙭᾪῇΊ
        = cꙭᾪῇΊ
        = bꙭᾪῇΊ
        = aꙭᾪῇΊ
        = aꙖᾪῇΊ
        = aꙋᾪῇΊ
        = aꙅᾪῇΊ
        = aꙂᾪῇΊ
        = aꙁᾪῇΊ
        = aꙀᾪῇΊ
        = aꙀῇΊ
        = aꙀΊ
        = aꙀΊ
        = aꙀΊ
        = aꙀΉ
        = aꙀΈ

Note that shrinking never shrinks a value to something outside the range the strategy describes. Notice the strings in the above example still match the regular expression even in the end. An integer drawn from 100..1000i32 will shrink towards zero, but will stop at 100 since that is the minimum value.

simplify() and complicate() can be used to adapt our primitive fuzz test to actually find the boundary condition.

extern crate proptest;
use proptest::test_runner::TestRunner;
use proptest::strategy::{Strategy, ValueTree};

fn some_function(v: i32) -> bool {
    // Do a bunch of stuff, but crash if v > 500
    // assert!(v <= 500);
    // But return a boolean instead of panicking for simplicity
    v <= 500

// We know the function is broken, so use a purpose-built main function to
// find the breaking point.
fn main() {
    let mut runner = TestRunner::default();
    for _ in 0..256 {
        let mut val = (0..10000i32).new_tree(&mut runner).unwrap();
        if some_function(val.current()) {
            // Test case passed

        // We found our failing test case, simplify it as much as possible.
        loop {
            if !some_function(val.current()) {
                // Still failing, find a simpler case
                if !val.simplify() {
                    // No more simplification possible; we're done
            } else {
                // Passed this input, back up a bit
                if !val.complicate() {

        println!("The minimal failing case is {}", val.current());
        assert_eq!(501, val.current());
    panic!("Didn't find a failing test case");

This code reliably finds the boundary of the failure, 501.